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Rhode Island School of Design
Three Mile Island Alert

Established in 1977, TMIA is a local, non-profit nuclear watchdog group. Their mission has been to educate the public on nuclear energy and the accident at TMI, as well as promote alternative energy systems. They also work in conjunction with TMI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on issues such as safety, plant security and radiation monitoring. For news and events sponsored by TMIA and its affiliates, check out their facebook page.

Based in Providence, RI, RISD is one of the best and oldest art schools in the nation. It has an intense focus on producing innovative, entrepreneurial artists and thinkers. As such, it has taken strides to promote STEAM-- a congressional initiative to integrate "A"rt into traditional STEM education. In 2012, RISD partnered with Maharam to establish the Maharam STEAM Applied Arts Fellowship to encourage students to pursue STEAM-integrated internships with non-profits or government organizations in an endeavor to effect change in public policy. 

Gabriela is a nationally recognized student editorial cartoonist who has illustrated several children's books. A rising junior at RISD, she is constantly seeking ways in which to use illustration as a means of communicating social and global issues to the next generation of leaders.

Maharam is an international commercial interiors & textile company that has been in business since 1902. Innovative and environmentally conscious, Maharam is on the cutting edge of the textile industry. In 2012, they partnered with RISD to establish the Maharam STEAM Applied Arts Fellowship to encourage students to pursue STEAM-integrated internships with non-profits or government organizations in an endeavor to effect change in public policy. 

Gabriela Epstein

The people behind the project.


Some info on the generous entities and people who came together to make this endeavor possible.

A big thanks to all the interviewees for taking the time to speak about
their experiences and providing valuable resource materials!
  • Joyce Corradi

  • Ralph DeSantis

  • Eric Epstein

  • Helen Hocker

  • Jim Hurst

  • Leigh Hurst

  • Tom Kauffman

  • The Longenecker Family (and Chippy)


  • Art Morris

  • Doris Robb

  • Mark Singel

  • Mary Stamos

  • Susan Stranahan

  • Vera Stuchinski

  • RB Swift

  • Steve Wing

A big thanks to the Dickinson College Archives for providing invaluable resource materials and research guidance!

Finally, thank you to the faculty at RISD who helped make this project possible:

Jean Blackburn, Robert Brinkerhoff and Stephen Ott.

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