Sketch of the pond behind the Longenecker family farm.

A sketch of some of the Longenecker land.

Character design for Jim Hurst and family.

Sketch of the pond behind the Longenecker family farm.
Excerpts from my sketchbook.
A selected collection of portraits.

A former TMI activist who helped conduct health surveys in the areas surrounding the plant.

A former member of the TMI activist group PANE. He provided valuable materials regarding the chronology of the PANE vs NRC Supreme Court case.

A prominent TMI activist whose research and collections of mutated foliage have been cited in numerous studies conducted on the plant.

A former TMI activist who helped conduct health surveys in the areas surrounding the plant.
Some views of the surrounding areas.

Inside the training room for Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant.

Where teletype machines used to spew news updates for the reporters to see.

Inside the training room for Three Mile Island Nuclear Plant.

A close-up of a training module, located in the Three Mile Island training center in Middletown, PA.

Elizabethtown farmer and former TMI activist feeding her donkeys.

A view of the river at dusk. Some cooling towers can be seen on the far left.

The front entrance to the PA state capitol building in Harrisburg, PA. Not too far from Middletown.

Quick gestures done in graphite and watercolor to get the gist of an area.
The Faces of the Fallout

These are some of the pictures I took of the individuals who were kind enough to participate in the project.
The Surroundings
To help paint a broader picture of the areas surrounding TMI, I've included a selection of pictures I took while traveling and conducting the interviews.