Shot of Three Mile Island from the railroad.

A replica of the inner-workings of TMI. Workers must train there to get certified as plant workers.

Some mutated plants held by another interviewee.

Shot of Three Mile Island from the railroad.

My name is Gabriela Epstein; I’m currently an illustration student at the Rhode Island School of Design and have received a Maharam STEAM fellowship to conduct follow up research on Three Mile Island nuclear power plant over the summer to commemorate the 35th anniversary of its nuclear accident.
My goal was to approach the incident from a humanistic perspective, interviewing individuals who were involved to understand the social & psychological effects of the accident and its ensuing politicization. Using the interviews and additional research, I've created an artistic re-telling of these stories to be dispensed by Three Mile Island Alert, a local non-profit that works with Three Mile Island to promote safety efforts, in an effort to reach out to younger generations, such as mine, so they may know the people of TMI as well as the story.
For more info on the Maharam Fellowship, check out this link! http://risdmaharamfellows.com/

About the Project